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Daniil Nikitichev

Daniil Nikitichev

Research Associate
The University of Dundee
United kingdom


I started my research as an Engineer in The Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometey" (2005-2008) in Russia where I worked developing novel materials using laser thermo-strengthening. My PhD was at Dundee University and concerned the development of novel diode lasers for biomedical applications with broad tunability in the 1.1– 1.5 μm wavelength range. The spectral versatility of the lasers was demonstrated through novel mode-locking regimes such as dual wavelength mode-locking, wavelength bistability and broad tenability. The outcomes of my research work were published in peer-reviewed high impact journals including Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Optics Express, and Applied Physics Letters. Furthermore, the results were disseminated at conferences such as CLEO, CLEO-Europe, and Laser Optics to ensure that academic and industrial beneficiaries were aware of my work. After my PhD I worked in The Aston Institute of Photonics Technologies and at Swansea University characterizing fibres lasers and amplifiers, performing dispersion measurement of Yb-doped fibres with white-light interferometry. For the last three years, I have been working at the University College London with a photoacoustic ultrasound system for ex-vivo and in-vivo imaging of the tissues and organs. Part of this project involved designing and making specialist holders and connectors and I chose to do this using 3D CAD software and 3D printing. I was fascinated by 3D printing technology and its possibilities, for example I used 3D printing to develop Agar-based ultrasound phantoms for vascular access training and flow studies. I also investigated properties of acoustic lenses made by 3D printing along with a colleague. Recently I joined a GIFT-SURG project as a research associate building a system that performs human placental dual perfusion (i.e. joint fetal and maternal sides) experiments. It will provide a unique platform for vascular and haematological studies such as vessel cannulation skill analysis and evaluation of novel methods for measuring blood oxygenation and flow.

Research Interest

I was fascinated by 3D printing technology and its possibilities