Medical Physics Organizing Committee

Huabei Jiang

University of Florida
United states

Biography: Dr. Jiang has been trained in the area of biomedical optical imaging w ReadMore...

Research Interest: Discovering and developing fundamentally new optical-based i ReadMore...

Maria Mamalui

Assistant Professor
University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute
United states

Biography: As an assistant professor in the UF Department of Radiation Oncology, ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medical Physics

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Hartmut Zabel

Ruhr University Bochum,

Biography: HZ received his Ph.D. from the University of Munich in1978, followed b ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medical Physics

ILIAS Tachtsidis

University College London
United Kingdom

Biography: Dr Tachtsidis is a biomedical engineer, he received his PhD in medical ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

Richard L. Morin

Mayo Clinic
United States

Biography: Professor Morin's research interests include all aspects of Electronic ReadMore...

Research Interest: Computed Radiography, PACS, Networks, Workstations). Additio ReadMore...

Ephraim Suhir

Portland State University

Biography: Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University, M ReadMore...

Research Interest:  Applied Mathematics, Applied and Mathematical Physics ReadMore...

Lubomir Traikov

Medical University-Sofia

Biography: 2001 has completed his PhD-Biophysics at the age of 30 years from Sofi ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medical Physics and Biophysics.

Baki Karaböce

Research scientist.
TÃœBÄ°TAK UME, National Metrology Institute of Turkey

Biography: Baki Karaböce has completed his PhD in Yeditepe Univertsity in İ ReadMore...

Research Interest: Metrological approach in medical measurements

Stergios Stergiopoulos

Associate Professor
Senior Scientist, DGSTCO, Toronto research Centre

Biography: Dr. Stergios Stergiopoulos received a B.Sc. (Hon.) degree from the Uni ReadMore...

Research Interest: His present interests are associated with the implementation ReadMore...

Huabei Jiang

Department of Biomedical Engineering University of Florida
United States

Biography: Dr. Jiang has been trained in the area of biomedical optical imaging w ReadMore...

Research Interest: Discovering and developing fundamentally new optical-based i ReadMore...

Kiki Theodorou

Associate Professor
Medical Physics Department Medical School, University of Thessaly

Biography: Kiki theodorou received her Bachelor degree in Physics in 1994, a mast ReadMore...

Research Interest: Physics of Radiotherapy, Radio biology, Advanced MRI Techniq ReadMore...

Monica Ghita

Assistant Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
United States

Biography: Medical Physicist at Yale-New Haven Hospital · Department of Diagno ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medical physics

Yekta Ulgen

Bogazici University

Biography: Yekta Ulgen is director of Institute of Biomedical Enginnering.His Ass ReadMore...

Research Interest: Research Interest in Biomedical Enginnering

Susan B. Klein

Associate Director
Indiana University Bloomington
United states

Biography: Assoc. Director, Medical Physics Program Biophysics and Radiation Bi ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medical Physics and radiation oncology

Anuj J. Kapadia

Assistant Professor
Duke University Hock Plaza
United States

Biography: Assistant Professor in Duke University May 2009 – Present (7 ye ReadMore...

Research Interest: Imaging modality - Neutron Stimulated Emission Computed Tomo ReadMore...

Manuel Arreola

Director of Clinical Radiological Physics
University of Florida
United States

Biography: Assistant Professor University of Florida Director, Clinical Radiolo ReadMore...

Research Interest: Direct dosimetry measurements in CT Protocol Optimization i ReadMore...

Silvia Mittler

University of Western Ontario

Biography: Dr. Silvia Mittler is a physicist who was educated at the Johannes-Gut ReadMore...

Research Interest: Nanotechnology Photonics

Daniil Nikitichev

Research Associate
The University of Dundee
United kingdom

Biography: I started my research as an Engineer in The Central Research Institute ReadMore...

Research Interest: I was fascinated by 3D printing technology and its possibili ReadMore...

Susan B. Klein

Associate Director
Indiana University Bloomington
United States

Biography: Assoc. Director, Medical Physics Program Biophysics and Radiation Bio ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medical Physics and radiation oncology

M. E. C.D. Real Oliveira

Associate Professor
Minho University, Portugal

Biography: Maria Elisabete C.D. Real Oliveira, Associated Professor with Habilita ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medical physics

Mihaela Rosu

Associate Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
United states

Biography: Dr. Rosu joined the Department of Radiation Oncology in 2007. She rece ReadMore...

Research Interest: Radiation Oncology Medical Physics

ILIAS Tachtsidis

University College London
United Kingdon

Biography: Dr Tachtsidis is a biomedical engineer, he received his PhD in medical ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

Alayar Kangarlu

Associate Professor
New York State Psychiatry Institute


Research Interest:

Carmel E Mothersill

McMaster University

Biography: Carmel's research interests involve the understanding of the risks of ReadMore...

McMaster University

Annika Lohstroh

Senior Lecturer
University of Surrey
United Kingdom

Biography: Annika Lohstroh grew up in central Germany, where she studied for her ReadMore...

Research Interest: the effect of bulk and surface defects on sensor performance ReadMore...

Marek K Janiak

Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology

Biography: Marek Krzysztof Janiak, MD, PhD., Head of Dept. of Radiobiology and Ra ReadMore...

Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology

Salahuddin Ahmad

The University of Oklahoma
United States


The University of Oklahoma
United States

Adelina Ilie

University of Bath
United kingdom


University of Bath
United kingdom

María Adela Poitevin Chacón

National Autonomous University of Mexico
Latin America


Research Interest:

Ke Li

Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States

Biography: Ke Li has completed his Ph.D in 2013 from the Department of Medical Ph ReadMore...

Research Interest:

Henrik H El Ali

Associate Professor
University of Copenhagen


Research Interest:

Hairong Zheng

Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology

Biography: Hairong Zheng is a Professor of Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Techno ReadMore...

Research Interest:

Michael Retsky

BioMedical Imaging Laboratory
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, MA 02215
Tel: 203-675-0017

Biography: Michael Retsky (Ph.D in physics from University of Chicago) made a car ReadMore...

Research Interest: cancer research, charged particle optics, early detection of ReadMore...

Dr. Chen Wen Yong

Department of Cancer Biology
Beckman Research Institute USA

Beckman Research Institute

Biography: Dr. Chen is an Associate Professor at the Beckman Research Institute, ReadMore...

Research Interest: Epigenetics, Cancer, Aging and Stem Cells

Stewart Sell

University of Albany
Tel: 518-474-0547
Fax: 518-473-2900

Biography: Dr. Sell is a board certified pathologist and immunologist. He has pub ReadMore...

Research Interest: Cancer: To determine how bone marrow derived mesenchymal ste ReadMore...

Sherry A. Bradford

President, CSO and Founder
AccuTheranostics, Inc.,USA

Biography: Bradford has a PhD in Medical Biochemistry- Oncology from the Roswell ReadMore...

President, CSO and Founder
AccuTheranostics, Inc.,USA

Anupam Bishayee

Assistant Dean and Chair
Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
American University of Health Sciences
Signal Hill, USA

Biography: Bishayee is the Chair and Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Scienc ReadMore...

Assistant Dean and Chair
Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
American University of Health Sciences
Signal Hill, USA

Shiaw-Yih Lin

Associate Professor
The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Tel: 713-563-4217
Fax: 713-563-4235

Biography: Professor Shiaw-Yih Lin has studied DNA damage response in cancer for ReadMore...

Research Interest: DNA damage checkpoint and DNA repair
Genetic and chemic ReadMore...

Zhimin (James) Lu

Department of Neuro-Oncology
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX 77030, USA
Tel: 713-834-6231, Fax: 713-834-6230

Biography: Dr. Lu’s work is to delineate the mechanisms of cellular signal ReadMore...

Research Interest: Tumor cell invasion and metastasis, cancer cell metabolism

Masayoshi Yamaguchi

Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology
Emory University School of Medicine
Tel: 404-664-7422

Biography: Masayoshi Yamaguchi, Ph.D., IOM, FAOE, DDG, DG, is Adjunct Professor, ReadMore...

Research Interest: cell signaling mechanism, bone biology, nutritional factor a ReadMore...

Salem Chouaib

Head of tumor immunolgy Unit
Cancer Gustave Rousssy Institute

Biography: Dr. Salem Chouaib completed his undergraduate studies at the universit ReadMore...

Research Interest: Cell-mediated cytotoxicity, tumor microenvironment, immunolo ReadMore...

Rafat A. Siddiqui

Indiana University
Tel: 317-962-6941

Biography: Dr. Siddiqui earned his BSc and MSc degrees in Biochemistry from the U ReadMore...

Research Interest: Dr. Siddiqui´s research interests are in the area of canc ReadMore...

Ivan Gout

University College London
Tel: 0207-679-4482

Biography: Professor Ivan Gout graduated as an MD at Lviv Medical University (Ukr ReadMore...

Research Interest: Cell signalling through phospholipases, kinases and G-protei ReadMore...

Samir A Farghaly

Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cornell University

Biography: Samir A. Farghaly is Physician / Scientist and national and internatio ReadMore...

Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cornell University

Sumer K Sethi

Teleradiology Providers

Biography: Unique blend of academic excellence and entrepreneurship, heading lead ReadMore...

Research Interest: He has a keen interest in Web 2.0 technologies and in mainta ReadMore...

Gustavo G. Volpi


Biography: Gustavo G. Volpi is Argentinean, has advanced studies in Bioengineerin ReadMore...

Research Interest: Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Jiang Du

University of California

Biography: Dr. Du received his bachelor degree in technological physics from Beij ReadMore...

Research Interest: Dr. Du research interests are in the area of Magnetic Resona ReadMore...

Yu Kuang

University of Chicago

Biography: Yu kuang did his works 8/2004 to 3/2009 Case Western Reserve Universit ReadMore...

Research Interest: His research interest includes Radiation Physics, Molecular ReadMore...

Curtis Miyamoto

Temple University

Biography: Dr. Miyamoto currently holds four academic appointments at Temple Univ ReadMore...

Research Interest: General External Beam Radiation
3-D Conformal Radioth ReadMore...